What to Wear/Bring for Your Engagement Session…

I get the question of ‘what should we wear and/or bring to our engagement session?’, so I wanted to write an informative post to help you out.  First off, I highly encourage bringing several outfits with you. This will give you different options and styles, so you have more variety in the photos. I can also offer my opinion on outfits and give suggestions if I can see them in person. You may not end up using them, but it’s nice to have, just in case!  Here are some more tips…

Wear Something Comfortable 

-We’re going to spend at least an hour taking engagement photos together, so make sure you’re wearing something that you feel comfortable in. If you are uncomfortable, it will definitely show in the photos!

-If you’re planning on wearing heels or cute but uncomfortable shoes, bring a pair of flip-flops or flats to be able to switch in and out of quickly–it makes things soo much easier and your feet will thank you! Especially if the location is outdoorsy and/or requires lots of walking!

Couple hugging during their Carpinteria engagement photos.

Wear ‘You’

-Dress in a slightly fancier version of what you normally wear. By picking outfits that you would normally wear, you will reflect who you are and you’ll be more comfortable and focused on having fun, rather than trying to pose and project an image of a person that you’re not.

-If you have any attire that is totally ‘you’ as a couple, feel free to bring it along with you as one of your clothing options (but don’t plan on wearing it throughout the entire session, unless you really want photos in that one attire). For example, if you’re very into a particular sports team or want to represent the school(s) you graduated from (like in this photo), feel free to wear jerseys or school gear!

The bride and groom are sporting their Dodgers gear at their engagement photoshoot.


Avoid Intricate Patterns and Stick to Solid Colors

-The main focus of the images should be you two, not the patterns, stripes or logo on your shirt. Wear something that’s not too distracting and doesn’t take away from the meaningfulness of the photos.

Avoid Trends

-Yes, those ripped jeans and animal prints are super cute now, but will they be in 25 years when you look back at the photos? Wear something that you think you’d be totally comfortable showing your kids without getting embarrassed.

-Don’t show too much cleavage/leg/chest hair, etc. Are you comfortable showing Grandma these photos, and again, will you be comfortable showing these photos to future generations?

-My suggestion is to go for a classy and timeless look (as long as it fits your personalities!).

Santa Barbara couple in love


You Can Match–But Don’t Overdo It!

-You definitely do not have to match!

-If you choose to match, I recommend not totally matching, but instead going with colors in the same color palate–so dark earthy tones, purples, blues, etc.

Colors to Avoid

-Red and orange!!! Aside from reflecting back on to your skin, thereby giving your skin a red or orange tint, cameras have a hard time accurately picking up, and, therefore, displaying these colors.

-White is reflective; the clothing articles may become overexposed in the images, which means details will be lost. Undergarments (such as undershirts) and accessories are totally fine, but I recommend staying away from solid whites.

-Bright colors are also reflective, and are quite hard to capture accurately on camera. Also, neon yellow may totally be a trend now, but will it be in 20 years from now? (Well……..knowing fashion and how it comes back every few decades, probably…but you get my point!)

-Also, keep in mind the surroundings of the location you choose. If we’re going to do the session at an orange orchard, avoid wearing colors that will make you blend in (like green). If we’re going to do the session at a rustic looking forest, avoid wearing pale clothing. I generally find that darker colors tend to be more flattering and you’ll be more likely to stand-out from the background (notice how the darker colored clothes in the photos featured in this blog post tend to ‘pop’ more than the others), but again, that depends on which location you choose.

Things to (possibly) Bring 

-Flip-Flops/Flats/Comfortable shoes! Yes, it’s that important that I included it in the blog post twice

-Engagement ring(s)

-Any props that represent you two as a couple. For example, I photographed a couple where the fiance was in the Navy and they brought along with them a mug that said ‘I Love My Sailor.’ They are also both obsessed with coffee, so it totally worked, and was totally ‘them’ as a couple!

-If you plan on using the engagement photos for ‘Save-the-Date’ invites, consider bringing cute Save-the-Date cards/posters/chalkboards/anything else.

Ideas for engagement photos props, including the Save the Date

~~**Remember, the purpose of the session is to HAVE FUN! I want to get to know you two, get to know you as a couple, all the while taking awesome photos you’re going to have forever. Come with a positive attitude and let’s make some magic happen!

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