Weathering the cold to capture this Brighton Bandstand engagement session in England? Check! Armed with hand-warmers, scarves and love, we wrapped up (no pun intended) Miriam & Rich’s three-part engagement session at Brighton Beach. The day was a great roundup of nature, woods, architecture and the beach, creating an epic variety of photographs for the two.
If you missed parts one and two of this series, be sure to check out the first part at Devil’s Dyke by clicking here and part two at the Sussex Ouse Valley Viaduct by clicking here!

I asked the couple what they love about each other…
From Rich:
“Me and Miriam are true partners in life, no matter what the situation. I know that Mims will be by my side and we will get through it together. She’s an incredibly generous and caring partner, who is also my absolute best friend. There’s no other person I would rather spend my life with. Waking up next to her gorgeous face is a pleasure I’m forever grateful for.”

And what does Miriam love about Rich?
“I think one of my favourite things about our relationship is that we really are best friends, as well as totally in love with each other. He is my favourite person in any situation and I will always have more fun if he is there. I love how completely weird he is and that he doesn’t judge my weird ways. He makes me want to be the best version of myself whilst constantly laughing, feeling safe and totally loved. I am so excited for our future together.”

What does the couple have planned for the future?
“We are actually off on a huge adventure to travel around Southeast Asia for about 9 months. This means we have just quit our jobs and will be spending a big chunk of our savings on this. Wedding planning and the wedding itself will have to be delayed until we’re back home. We are so excited for the next year of travel and adventure together. The fact we now get to do this as an engaged couple is incredible. I (Miriam) am a huge planner, so not being able to plan the wedding straight away is tough. However, it means that I have something to look forward to on our return. And what’s the rush when we have the rest of our lives together!”
Through every step of the day, from Devil’s Dyke to the Ouse Valley Viaduct to the Brighton Bandstand engagement finale, our day was filled with adventure, love and fun!
Engagement Ring: Marrow Fine
Makeup: Jennifer Kayleigh
Hair: Chloe Cook
If you’re looking for a photographer to follow you around the world and capture your love story, reach out via e-mail,